We understand that navigating the aged care system can be confusing. If you have any queries that are not answered by this website, PAC is more than happy to answer any questions you may have. We will respond as soon as we can.
Complaints & Feedback
PAC welcomes and encourages any feedback, compliments or complaints about our services – we assure that any complaints are taken seriously and will be reviewed by members of our senior management team.
There are a number of ways you can provide PAC with feedback:
In the first instance, please contact the service manager who will be able to talk with you and try to resolve any local issues that you are concerned about. If you have immediate concerns about the health or wellbeing of a resident or client, this is best raised with the staff by telephone so that the matter can be reviewed straight away.
If you are unable to, or do not wish to contact the service manager, we encourage you to email feedback@pcnsw.org.au – this can be an anonymous or a named feedback and will be reviewed by the Presbyterian Aged Care senior management.
You are welcome to contact the service manager or put your feedback through this email and it will be reviewed by a senior manager at Presbyterian Aged Care.
We thank you for wanting to contact us and we look forward to hearing from you.
Retirement Villages:
Call 1800 722 679
Residential Aged Care:
Drummoyne 02 8622-0690
Corporate Head Office
Presbyterian Aged Care
Pitt Wood House
23 Charlotte Street
Ashfield NSW 2131