Our Organisation

Organisational Structure

Presbyterian Aged Care NSW & ACT (PAC) is operated by a Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia (New South Wales). It is responsible for the Residential Aged Care facilities, Home Care and Seniors Housing operated by the Presbyterian Church in NSW and the ACT.

The PAC Committee annually reports to the General Assembly and provides the Trustees with regular reports.

Administration of congregational local Aged Care programs shall remain with the management committee established for such purpose by the congregation. Some of our Independent Living Units are also managed this way.

Executive Leadership Team:

  • Tegan Cattle (Director of People and Culture)
  • Jim Konstas (Finance Manager)
  • Peter Newing (Director Retirement Living & Technology)

Presbyterian Care Australia is a nationwide alliance committed to providing excellent care and accommodation to older people.

Members representing their respective states are (click on the individual logos for more details):


Western Australia
South Australia
New South Wales
Australia Capital Territory